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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2021

Who Am I?

Hi i am Juan francisco, actually i live in Santiago, Chile and i´ve always lived here and i'm really used to the rythm of the city even if it not the most beautiful. I currently study geography at University of Chile, a carrer very varied because it studies the earth and its phenomena and the relationships with the human being, also i practice atletism and i am selected from the university team and in parallel i am volunteer for the fire department of Santiago in a company of hazardours materials. I live with my family wich is made up of my mom, my dad, four of my five sisters and my aunt, i also have a brother but he is not living with us, i live in a house with a big park in front (O´higgins park) , i still live in my hometown, i live all my life in this house and i like it, it is a very quiet neighborhood and having the park in front of it is very nice and helps a lot for my workouts.